Machine learning Artificial intelligence ML AI

Introduction to Machine Learning

Before giving you Introduction to Machine Learning you should know what Ai (Artificial intelligence) is.

What is Ai ( Artificial intelligence )

Ai ( Artificial Intelligence ) is a field of computer science that focus on creating systems that mimic human intelligence . Basically ai systems are systems that are capable of solving taks and which requires human intelligence and mimicing it . These tasks may vary from reasoning , problrm solving , learning and preception . Ai system are designed to adapt to new information .

Need of Ai :

  • To improve accuracy
  • To do risking task human avoid
  • to achieve more consistency

Machine learning

Maching Learning is nothing but just a sub set of Artificial Intelligence . That enables computers to learn from data in order to make decisons and predictions based on data . Unlike traditional method of programming , where instructions provided to achieve a specific task . Machine learning ( ml ) involves creating algorithm that will give computer permission to identify patterns , make predictions and to improve the performance over time based on experience .

After having an Introduction to Machine Learning , its time to learn aboout its components and uses .

Components of Machine Learning

  1. Data
  2. Models
  3. Algorithms
  4. Error Functions
  5. Evolution Metrics

Application of Machine Learning :

Healthcare :

Disease Diagnosis : Ml Models can analyze medical images and data to diagnose diseases for example diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Finance :

Detecting Frauds : Identifying fraunds b analyzing pattern and abnomalities in financial data.

Education :

Personalized Learning : Adapting educational contant and learning speed based on performance of an individual student .
Grading And Assessment : Automating the process of grading of exams and assessments using ML algorithms .

Narutal Language Processing ( NLP ):

Language Translation : Translating text or speech from one language to another (for example : Google Translate ).
Chatsbots : Providing customer imformation and support through automated chat systems.
Text Analysis : Extracting information that is meaningful information from unsrtuctured text data for decision making and insights .

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